
Tag: Pricing

Margin vs Markup

See Also: Gross Profit Margin Analysis Retail Markup Chart of Accounts (COA) Margin Percentage Calculation Markup Percentage Calculation Margin vs Markup Differences Is there a difference between margin vs markup? Absolutely. More and more in today’s environment, these two terms are being used interchangeably to mean gross margin, but that misunderstanding may be the menace

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Markup Percentage Calculation

See Also: Margin vs Markup Margin Percentage Calculation Retail Markup Gross Profit Margin Ratio Analysis Operating Profit Margin Ratio Analysis Markup Percentage Definition Define the markup percentage as the increase on the cost price. The markup sales are expressed as a percentage increase as to try and ensure that a company can receive the proper

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Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

See Also: Cost of Capital Cost of Capital Funding Arbitrage Pricing Theory APV Valuation Capital Budgeting Methods Discount Rates NPV Required Rate of Return Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) The most popular method to calculate cost of equity is Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Why? Because it displays the relationship between risk and expected return

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Benefits of Using Margin

What Are the Benefits of Using Margin in Pricing? Do you know your gross margin? What about your profit margin? Your company’s margin indicates whether it is profitable or not. A company can have an extraordinary volume of sales, but without the proper gross margin built into the economics of the company, it results in

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Realizing Profit Potential

Over the years, we have asked our clients what business issues keep them up at night. Consistently, realizing profit potential was one of the top issues that kept business owners up at night. Is there money left on the table that hasn’t been realized? Is there potential that hasn’t been capitalized on yet? As a financial

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Why Valuation Matters

The other day, a client asked why valuation matters. It seems like a lengthy process that is complex and differs in each case. You see, I didn’t respond in an elaborate explanation of the different methods of valuation. Instead, I start off by saying that life is very unpredictable. Have you ever experienced a life-altering

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Increasing Pricing on Products

Recently, Netflix – streaming service giant – increased their pricing on two of their products by more than 10%. At first, media and customers displayed anger and backlash. But after the pricing increase, many customers remained at the increase was approximately a $1 difference. Plus, you have to factor in that many people are “cutting

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Black Friday

See also: Traditions Turned Financial Fluctuations Improving Profitability – Fuel for Growth Product Life Cycle Stages Beware of the J Curve Black Friday In America, Black Friday is an event that is not only the most shopped on day during a typical year, but it also generates huge sales. “Only in America do people trample

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Why You Need a New Pricing Strategy

Larry is operating a lemonade stand, and he thinks that his lemonade is the most valuable drink available. Because he interprets his lemonade as highly valuable, he decides to charge $85 for a glass of lemonade. Larry wonders why no one buys his lemonade. Although he may seem highly profitable when you work out his

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Why do most startups fail?

Right now is the time of innovation – kickstarters and new types of marketing campaigns are popping up everywhere. You might have an idea yourself, regardless of whether you’re a Millennial, Generation X, or even a Baby Boomer! So how do you know if your idea is a good one? As I have mentioned in

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Should You Use Margin or Markup Percentage for Pricing?

The biggest struggle in maintaining or improving profitability often comes down to pricing.  Two of the most common methods companies use to price their products are margin and markup.  Unfortunately, many people think they’re pricing their products based upon a desired margin, but they’re really using markup.  There is a major difference between the two methods

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The Electronic Red Pen – Strategic Pricing Techniques

  Whenever you go shopping, does it seem like there’s always a sale going on?  It’s as if marketers believe that by offering a high value item for a lower price, it becomes a more attractive item to purchase. I have a term for this – the electronic red pen. What the heck is an “electronic

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